Listamannaspjall #7

Listamannaspjall #7

Myndlistarmennirnir Erwin van der Werve og Þóra Sólveig Bergsteinsdóttir munu ræða um verk sín í Skaftfelli mánudaginn 20. febrúar kl. 14. Erwin og Solla eru gestalistamenn Skaftfells í febrúar. Þau eru búsett í Noregi og reka þar Hardanger Kunstsenter og “The Traveling Art Project Parousia”. Sjá nánar: http://www.solla.org/ http://www.erwinvanderwerve.nl   Thora Solveig Bergsteinsdottir (1975) is a visual artist living and working in Norway. She graduated in 2004 from the Iceland Academy of the Arts (LHI). Her work is an investigation of physical presence and relations to the natural environment. Her work consists of performance, video, photographs and installation. Erwin van […]

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Kynning á myndbandsverkum

Kynning á myndbandsverkum

Á föstudaginn kl. 17 -18 mun Marcellvs L. sýna brot úr myndbandsverkum sínum í aðalsal Skaftfells. Marcellvs L. hefur verið gestalistamaður Skaftfells í janúar. The work of Marcellvs L. consists of recording encounters using a camera and a microphone. It might possibly give the impression of a chance meeting, or of a quest for something during which something else is found, but ultimately what he represent is always mediated, something that is made. He try to linger in an ambivalent place, one where there is a conjunction of attention, trust, detachment. Allir velkomnir. Sjá nánar: http://www.caosmos.org/