Main Gallery 15.05. – 26.06.2005 Vatnajökull is the largest glacier in Europe. Volcanic activity under glaciers, which is greater in Iceland than anywhere else, is most extensive beneath the Vatnajökull glacier. Vatnajökull is both the coldest place in Iceland, and at the same time the hottest glacier in the world. To come across a boiling mud spring in the middle of a glacier is to make contact with an untouched autonomous world, where past, present and future blend together in one bubbling vortex. A visit to a geothermal area of the Vatnajökull glacier is like a confrontation with the Creation […]
Past exhibitions
Rjómskip 27.03.  18.04.2004 The annual colaboration between the Icelandic Academy of the Arts and the Dieter Roth Academy. Carl Boutard Maja Nilsen Markus Ãhrn IndÃana Auðunsdóttir Ãóra Sólveig Bergsteinsdóttir Gunnar Már Pétursson Sarah Deboosere Röðull Reyr Kárason ElÃn Anna Ãórisdóttir Isabel Navarro Lýsir 01.05.  11.06.2004 Ãsrún Kristjánsdóttir  Art in Icelandic manuscripts Aftur 19.06.  08.08.2004 Aðalheiður Eysteinsdóttir Auk sýningarinnar stóð Aðalheiður fyrir menningaraukanum ,, á slaginu sex á hverjum degi til 27. júnà frá opnunardegi. Gestir sem komu fram eru eftirtaldir: -   19. júnà  Sjávarréttarkynning frá Fiskbúð Sigurðar, Eysteinn Aðalsteinsson og Arnfinna Björnsdóttir -   20. […]