Post Tagged with: "Skaftfell gallery"

Short Estonian Animations for Kids

Short Estonian Animations for Kids

Sunday the 19th of August from 15:00-16:00, Skaftfell and the Estonian filmmakers Heilika & Ülo Pikkov  invites for an afternoon screening of short Estonian animations for kids of all ages. Popcorn and entrance is free ! Lineup of films : CARROT / 2003 / 7’ / Nukufilm Directed by Pärtel Tall   MIRIAM PLAYS HIDE AND SEEK / 2004 / 5’ / Nukufilm Directed by Priit Tender   INSTINCT / 2003 / 10’ / Nukufilm Directed by Rao Heidmets   MIRIAM’S NESTBOX / 2006 / 5’ / Nukufilm Directed by Riho Unt   CARROT OF THE THEATRE / 2006 / 5’ […]

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Saturday, February 25th, at 16:00 the exhibition SKÁSKEGG Á VHS + CD opens at Skaftfell. The exhibition is the conclusion of a two-week workshop, lead by Björn Roth, at Skaftfell, in collaboration with the Icelandic Art Academy, the Dieter Roth Academy and the Technical Museum of East Iceland The art students involved are: Ásgrímur Þórhallsson, Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir, Claudia Hausfeld, Dóra Hrund Gísladóttir, Erik Hirt, Gintare Maciulskyté, Gunnar Jónsson, Halla Þórlaug Óskarsdóttir, Katla Stefánsdóttir, Katrín Erna Gunnarsdóttir, Sigmann Þórðarson, Sigurður Þórir Ámundason, Steinunn Lilja Emilsdóttir & Viktor Pétur Hannesson Curator: Björn Roth. The exhibition runs until May 6, 2012. Skaftfell´s opening […]

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